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What is Nerve Global

Nerve is a global marketplace for content consumers and content creators. It is the first peer to peer crowdfunding application that lets the audience decide on the content and enhances revenues for creators.

The Nerve app gives users the ability to pool cryptocurrency and attach it to a dare they want to see executed by their favorite content creator (or anyone else).

The use of blockchain technology within the app ensures we are committed to the following virtues:

  • Neutral: Our system does not differentiate between users and is highly inclusive. No favoritism!
  • Open: Anyone can participate and there are no mechanisms in place that would allow the restriction of use.
  • Public: Everything that happens within the Nerve system is publicly verifiable.
  • Borderless: Public blockchains (and Nerve) are globally accessible and do not adhere to local jurisdictions.
  • Censorship resistant: Content within the Nerve system cannot be changed, altered or removed.

People from around the world will be able to collect and allocate values without knowing each other or any custodial third party. Trust and verification is put into an open, direct democracy that is able to manage the monetary flow without any legal representatives.